Scholarships for international students

November 30th, 2021 by IEFA

Millions of students from other countries apply for international colleges every year. In the USA alone, more than 2 million applications are received annually by about 3.4 thousand colleges and universities. Studying in an international college brings a lot of benefits to foreign students. Better education, professional development, learning new things and culture, better job opportunities, and many more.

But everything good comes with a price. On average, international students pay around $20,000 in tuition fees. Then there are living costs, study materials, food costs, transportation costs, accommodation costs. All these costs add up to about $30,000 – $40,000 every year.

Not everyone is not capable of paying such a huge amount. But luckily most international colleges offer various scholarships including partial and full scholarships. If you are among those who can’t afford the high costs of studying in an international college, you should look for international scholarships first. In this article, we are going to look at some of the best international scholarships for international students. But first, let’s take a look at what international student scholarships are and how to qualify for one!

What is International Student Scholarships?

An international scholarship is a form of financial aid/financial assistance that is awarded by colleges, universities, organizations, and foundations to students for their international education. Not every college offers international student scholarships. They are mostly offered in countries like the USA, Canada, UK, etc where tuition fees are very high (nearly $25,000 – $30,000 per year).

International student scholarships don’t come as cash. Usually, they are in the form of partial or full tuition fee waivers, which reduce your overall college fees by covering all or part of them.

How to Qualify for an International Student Scholarship?

There is no specific rule that can be applied for every particular international scholarship program. But most colleges use the same criteria when selecting students for their international scholarships. These criteria include:

1. Your academic achievements:

Most of the international scholarships and tuition fee waivers are awarded on academic merit. That means how well you did in high school and your last year. If you have good grades, then you will surely get a chance to receive an international scholarship for college. And if not, then there is less chance that you can even get a partial waiver.

2. Your English Language skills:

Many international scholarships require good English language skills, like IELTS (International English Language Testing System). If you can’t speak and write in fluent English, then it will be very difficult for you to get an international scholarship. There are different language tests accepted by different colleges, so that’s something you should keep in mind! This may vary if you can find a sponsor from your home country.

3. Your college choice:

You must be clear about the college you want to study in, and their international scholarships. If a particular college doesn’t offer international scholarships on academic merit, then you may be better off apply to one that does. You have to choose your options wisely depending on the scholarship programs offered by the colleges.

These three are the most important criteria that will help you get an international scholarship for college. Other than these, there are a few more criteria such as:

  • Your financial need
  • VISA status
  • Nationality (permanent residents of your home country)
  • Health insurance, etc

Best International Scholarship For Students (Post Graduate and Graduate Students)

The following is the list of top international student scholarships in the world for graduate students and undergraduate students. We have listed all types of international student scholarships including partial tuition waivers, full tuition waivers, and even some which come with a monthly allowance or living cost support.

1. The Fulbright Scholarship

The Fulbright program is a full-tuition scholarship, which covers your tuition fees and provides a monthly allowance of $30,000 to $40,000 depending on where you want to study in the USA. It also provides you with the opportunity to explore the US culture and spend an entire semester studying there.

The Fulbright Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship which means you can get a chance to apply for it only if your country participates in the international Fulbright Scholars Program. You have to be at least 18 years old by the time of application, and meet the grade requirements as well as English language skills prescribed by your chosen college.

2. The Gates Cambridge Scholarship

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship that covers the cost of studying at the University of Cambridge in the UK. You can get a chance to apply for it only if you want to do a postgraduate degree in any subject offered by this university

You don’t have to make an actual application for this scholarship. Instead, all you have to do is to show your interest in Cambridge by taking the online test provided by this scholarship program. It’s a completely automated process, so no worries about essays or letters of recommendation!

3. The UK Chevening Scholarship Program

The UK Chevening Scholarship Program covers the cost of studying at any British university, including the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge. It also provides you with a monthly allowance to cover your living costs.

The Chevening Scholarship is a partial tuition waiver that covers 50% to 100% of your full-time postgraduate degree program. You get the chance to apply for this scholarship ONLY if you want to study in the UK and get it only if you are given an unconditional offer from any British university after your college application.

4. The British Marshall Scholarship

The British Marshall Scholarship covers the cost of studying any subject at a university in the USA, other than Oxford or Cambridge. The scholarship also provides you with a monthly allowance to cover your living costs while you are there.

You have to be a citizen of one of the countries listed by this scholarship program in order to get a chance to apply for it. It’s not necessary for you to take an actual application for this scholarship. However, you have to send them all the required documents by email so that they can consider your application.

5. Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (Netherlands):

The Amsterdam Excellence Scholarships (AEX) is a partial tuition waiver for postgraduate students who want to study abroad at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. It covers 50% – 100% of your college tuition fees, depending on what field you apply for.

You can get a chance to apply for this scholarship ONLY if you meet the general eligibility criteria. Applicants must be endorsed by their home institution before they can send their application to AEX.

6. Australia Awards Scholarships:

The Australia Awards Scholarship is a full-fee-paying scholarship that provides candidates from developing countries with the opportunity for undergraduate or post graduate studies at any of the Australian universities. You have to be a citizen of one of the developing countries listed by these academic programs.

In order to be eligible for application, you must meet the entry requirements of a specific Australian course offered at a particular university. You also have to show that you have a certain level of study experience in your country and meet English language proficiency standards.

7. Clarendon Scholarships at University of Oxford, UK:

The Clarendon Scholarship is an international scholarship offered by the University of Oxford to study any full-time postgraduate degree at the university. The scholarship covers the cost of tuition fees for your postgraduate degree.

You get the chance to apply for this scholarship only if you want to study at Oxford. It does not matter which college or academic program you are applying for since they will be equally supportive of your application. However, you have to make sure that they meet all of your particular requirements before sending them a copy of your application form and personal statement.

Useful tips:

Here is a few helpful information for you to get your application noticed by scholarship program administrators:

1. Work on your English Skills:

Most scholarships will require you to show that your English skills are strong enough for you to be accepted into the course or program. Therefore, make sure that you are comfortable communicating in English before applying for these programs.

2. Researching Scholarships:

Take the time to research all of the opportunities available and what requirements they have. You can find some scholarships via social media, college websites, google, etc.

3. Work on your academics:

If you are applying for scholarships (especially merit based scholarships), work on getting good grades and taking advantage of any opportunities that your college or university has to offer. Most colleges will be looking at your academic ability and then decide whether you are eligible or not!

4. Contacting Scholarships:

If you find a scholarship that you really like but is outside of your country, go ahead and email them. Most universities are international and they will talk to you despite the distance.

5. Don’t miss any important dates:

Due dates and application deadlines can come around really fast, so don’t miss them! Make sure to get your forms in ahead of time and get your references done early.

Final thoughts:

International scholarships are a great way to fund your higher education. They are often highly competitive, but this also means that they are very accessible to students who have the right grades or skills for them! Also, studying abroad comes with a lot of benefits. Make sure to apply for as many scholarships as you can, give it your best shot. In case you don’t qualify for scholarships, you can apply for other awards like grant programs, loan programs, or other financial aid.

Are you searching for a scholarship in Canada?

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  1. mihindou rufin says:

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  2. Mohamed Gnanamon Traoré says:

    Bonjour monsieur , je voudrais savoir si les bourses disponibles n’exigent que l’anglais comme langue langue d’apprentissage .

    • Al C says:

      You can view scholarships that you might be eligible for by clicking on the following link:

      You can browse the awards or use our quick search tool which will narrow down the scholarships based on what you are studying, where you are studying, or where you are from.

      After you find a scholarship you are eligible for or interested in, you will need to contact the institution responsible for the scholarship directly. They can assist you with the application process and any questions you might have.

  3. Mohamed Gnanamon Traoré says:

    Est-ce possible d’avoir une bourse pour étudiant internationaux francophones?

    • Al C says:

      You can view scholarships that you might be eligible for by clicking on the following link:

      You can browse the awards or use our quick search tool which will narrow down the scholarships based on what you are studying, where you are studying, or where you are from.

      After you find a scholarship you are eligible for or interested in, you will need to contact the institution responsible for the scholarship directly. They can assist you with the application process and any questions you might have.

  4. zahra derakhshan says:

    Hello, My GPA is 3.7 and I am studying master of kineisology in the US. I am an international student. How can I apply for an available scholarship?

  5. Lucas aduga says:

    Kindly help me

  6. Jabir says:

    I live usa

  7. Osawaru johnbull says:

    I like to study in UK,

    • Charmone Wallace says:


      Thank you for your comment!

      We recommend exploring various scholarship and financial aid options that might be available to you. Our scholarship search tool can be a great resource. You can access it here:

      Additionally, for more comprehensive information on financial aid options, including loans and other forms of assistance, please visit our resources page here:

      Remember, each scholarship or financial aid program will have its own application process and requirements, so be sure to contact the relevant organizations directly for guidance.

      Best of luck with your studies, and keep pursuing your dreams!
      – The IEFA team

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