If you are going to be studying overseas for the new school year, you are probably getting ready for your upcoming transcontinental flight. With many new airline regulations and low budget carriers, you may find that you are coming out of pocket on additional perks that you never considered you had to pay. We’ve compiled…
International Student Voice Magazine Scholarship Deadline: August 2 International Student Voice Magazine is granting one international student from anywhere around the world (except the US and Canada) a $750 scholarship to fund their college or university studies inside the US or Canada. To apply for this award, you will need to have an F1 or…
Warning: A recent scam has been targeting international students and taking thousands of dollars. One call can take thousands of dollars out of your wallet! Recent reports have come in this month that students are receiving incoming calls – mostly from the emergency 911 number – where either a man or woman will inform the…
This week, new economic data was released by NAFSA that found 764,495 international students contributed $21.8 billion dollars to the US economy and supported approximately 300,000 jobs. In a time when the US economy is recovering from the Great Depression, it is no wonder why an importance has been placed on international education worldwide. The…
Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program Deadline: November 15 Calling all women around the world who are interested in the field of aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related engineering! The Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program is now open for applications. Each year 35 individuals are awarded this fellowship grant in the amount of $10,000 to pursue…
When moving to another country for a semester or year there are always unexpected expenses that arise, but the most important element to studying abroad is knowing where you will be living. The cost of housing while you are abroad will depend on the type of residence you choose and what your available budget is…
Abercrombie & Fitch International Global Diversity & Leadership Award Deadline: August 15 Abercrombie & Fitch and the National Society of High School Scholars have teamed up to bring international students the Abercrombie & Fitch International Global Diversity & Leadership Award. Students who are currently enrolled in or will be within the upcoming academic semester at…
The new school year is almost here and while you may know where you are planning to study abroad – and perhaps even know what classes you’ll be taking – you may soon realize that you still have to get your finances in order. After all, the amount of financial aid available to international students…
International Academic Merit Scholarship at Wilson College Deadline: Unrestricted Students pursuing their bachelor degree as a first year international student are eligible for the international academic merit scholarship at Wilson College. Upon admission into Wilson College, eligible international students will be awarded the scholarship. There is not a specific application for this award; however, students must complete…