Win $100 By Answering Our Second Question
Budgeting Tips for International Students

Win $100 By Answering Our Second Question

Question #2 “What’s your favorite page on International Student Loan? Share it with us!” Simply answer the second question on Facebook, Twitter, or our blog, and you’ll be entered to win $100 gift card! Check out International Student Loan to see what peaks your interest. Is it the videos? Maybe the infographic? Or maybe it’s…

Question 1 of the Financial Aid Fun Contest Released!
International Scholarships

Question 1 of the Financial Aid Fun Contest Released!

Financial Aid Fun Contest: Question 1 Deadline: July 9th at 3pm EST International Student Loan and International Student have combined forces during the month of July to bring you three great chances to win $100! Yesterday the Financial Aid Fun contest was announced and today question 1 of the Financial Aid Fun Contest released! All…

Win $100 – Enter to Win the Financial Aid Fun Contest
International Financial Aid News

Win $100 – Enter to Win the Financial Aid Fun Contest

It’s July, and many of you will be looking for financial aid to help cover your expenses for the new school year. We wanted to help out with the launch of our newest July contest, the Financial Aid Fun Contest! Each week we will announce a new winner who will be the recipient of $100…

Two Hangouts You Don’t Want To Miss This Week!
International Education

Two Hangouts You Don’t Want To Miss This Week!

Whether you just graduated, are planning to become an international student or are an international student- we know you will think one, or both of these hangouts is worth watching! Today, Thursday 26th, at 10am EST International Student Loan is hosting a Google+ Hangout On Air to help explain some of the most confusing loan…

Student Loan Terms Confusing? Join Us Live This Thursday!
International Student Loans

Student Loan Terms Confusing? Join Us Live This Thursday!

International student loan terms are confusing. Repayment, deferral, interest rate, cosigner, credit score, and the list goes on and on. It’s almost that time to apply for international student loans, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. As you make these important financial decisions, you will need to know what these…

Four Ways International Students Benefit from Studying Abroad in Smaller US Towns
International Education

Four Ways International Students Benefit from Studying Abroad in Smaller US Towns

As the United States continues to admit an increasing number of international students to US schools, international students are faced with deciding where, in such a large country, they will be able to make the most of their study abroad experience. Immediately thoughts of famous US cities spring to mind—New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami,…

Tanaka and Green Academic Scholarship
International Scholarships

Tanaka and Green Academic Scholarship

Tanaka and Green Academic Scholarship Deadline: July 15 This scholarship is available to US citizens who are studying in Japan short term (one semester or academic year). Six individuals will be awarded this scholarship in the amount of $5,000 each to use toward the upcoming academic year expenses. The Tanaka and Green Academic Scholarship can…

International Scholarships for Denmark
International Financial Aid News

International Scholarships for Denmark

From pouring money into scholarships to loosening regulations, Denmark is proposing a series of measures meant to attract more international students as well as retain them in the workforce for a number of years after their graduation. International Scholarships for Denmark Announced Working closely with the private sector, the Danish government has detailed a plan…

Pacific Prime Global Diversity Scholarship
International Scholarships

Pacific Prime Global Diversity Scholarship

Pacific Prime Global Diversity Scholarship Deadline: July 31 Two $500USD scholarships will be awarded by Pacific Prime. To be eligible, you must be an international student studying in Asia for at least one semester. Eligible students must apply on or before July 31st through email. The email application must include an essay that answers the…

Applying for Off-Campus Employment: Writing a Follow-Up Letter
Off campus employment

Applying for Off-Campus Employment: Writing a Follow-Up Letter

While it may be standard knowledge to submit a resume when applying for a job, many international students may be less familiar with the tradition of sending a follow-up letter after an interview. Many universities around the world are loosening restrictions that previously limited, if permitted at all, the amount of hours international students could…

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