When you are admitted to a US institution, take a close look at the international student budget provided by your school. These estimated expenses will also appear on your I-20, and they are usually accurate insofar as they go. International students are required to prove that they have funds to cover the full amount shown,…
International students spend a lot of time and energy trying to find enough financial resources to fund their foreign study. An important part of this effort is understanding exactly how much money you will need for your time overseas, and then carefully managing your finances to stay within your budget. Dealing with a new currency…
Did you know that you can apply for funding with InternationalStudentLoan.com and receive preliminary approval in as little as 15 minutes? With the International Student Loan for international students studying in the USA and Canada you can apply as long as you meet the following guidelines: – An Undergraduate or Graduate Student – Enrolled at…
Lots of research and early planning are the most effective tools for figuring out how to afford a US higher education. If you are a good student, there are lots of US colleges and universities that want you to enroll — but which ones are more likely to offer you a financial aid package that…
We have now made it really easy to keep up-to-date with our blog through RSS feeds and email updates! If you have an RSS Reader simply click on the following link to subscribe! Via RSS: If you want to simply get email updates each time we post then complete the form below: Enter your email…
If you plan to study abroad this fall, check out this show that NBC Digital Studios has planned. You still have a week to get your audition in — this would be a great way to pay for your time abroad! WHAT IS J.Y.A.?J.Y.A. (Junior Year Abroad), a new show from NBC Digital Studios, chronicles…
US students that want to spend their college career overseas have difficulty finding funding at the right levels. Here’s the press release where InternationalStudentLoan.com made a splash with higher loan limits of $50,000 per year for undergrads, and $70,000 per year for grads. Stafford loans alone just don’t do the trick. InternationalStudentLoan.com Announces Higher Loan…