Still Time to Apply for Junior Year Abroad Reality Webshow

J.Y.A. (Junior Year Abroad), a new show from NBC Digital Studios, chronicles the first-person travel escapades and cultural discoveries of ten college students living and studying in all corners of the globe. With camera-wielding students in five unique continents, the show will capture all facets of life abroad, as lived and breathed by our cast. Our audience will experience the journeys vicariously through our young travelers, while learning interesting country facts and meeting colorful locals along the way. J.Y.A. and its accompanying website will soon become the definitive on-line destination for anyone with a penchant for global travel and a voracious appetite for adventure!
Could be you! Are you planning to study abroad in the fall of ’06? Do you love to be in front of the camera? Do you thrive on the adrenaline of foreign travel? Do you have charisma oozing from your ears? Then we want YOUR audition tape! NBC Digital Studios is currently casting for the premiere season of J.Y.A.. We’re searching for bright, articulate college students who wish to self-document the adventure of a lifetime. Cast members will receive cameras, tape stock, monetary compensation, and possible cash bonuses. Sound too good to be true? It isn’t!
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