Refinancing your international student loans can be a game-changer in managing your student loan debt more efficiently and potentially reducing the amount of interest you pay by thousands of dollars. But, what are the steps to refinance, and what challenges do international students face in this process? In this blog post, we’ll uncover the benefits…
The overall process of obtaining a credit card as a non-citizen in the United States can appear daunting, especially without a Social Security number. However, international students can get credit with credit cards without needing social security information. Here, we’ll provide more on different credit card options for non-citizen students in the U.S. The key…
Credit cards are some of the best financial tools available to international students in the U.S. You can have access to cash during emergencies or take advantage of rewards or cash-back programs to save money. With so many options available, it is important to select the right card for your needs. In this article, we…
Financing for higher education in the U.S. can be very expensive. The average cost of tuition and fees for one year of college is over US$25,000. Plus, there are other expenses like textbooks, housing, food, and transportation that need to be factored into the equation. Having a credit card can help international students make purchases…
If you are an international student in the U.S., understanding the requirements and restrictions for credit cards is critical. Credit cards are an important part of financial independence and security, so it’s important to know what your options are. Having a credit line can be especially helpful as an international student because timely repayments on…