Applying for International Scholarships

If you are an international student planning to come to the US, you may be interested in applying for international scholarships. While you’ll need to fill out the application and meet the requirements for your scholarship, if awarded you’ll receive a payment to support your education. Scholarships can be awarded for academic or other achievement – and there are many available so make the most of it!
We’ve put together a list of tips to help you when applying for international scholarships:
– Deadlines. When it comes to financial aid in general, timing is everything. Make sure that you know what is due, and more importantly when. Many scholarships have limited funding and are competitive with many applicants. Make sure to keep track of when you’ll need to submit the necessary documents to increase the chances of receiving a scholarships. If you use a calendar, make sure to note deadlines and set reminders to keep you on track.
– Essays. Many scholarships require applicants to write essays. You may find yourself writing, reading, and then re-reading your essay. Many students at the end of the process will end up reading what they thought they wrote – instead of what they actually wrote – and will miss small typos or key words. Have friends, teachers, and family members read over your essay and make any changes. Proofreading your essays can increase your odds of being awarded a scholarship.
Read about how to write a scholarship essay.
– Don’t waste time. Many scholarships have eligibility requirements – before applying make sure you read all the fine print. There are many scholarships out there that you can apply for, but spending time applying to scholarships that you are not eligible for is a sure loss of time. We all know that international students are busy, between wrapping up school, working, and the many other day-to-day tasks. Spend your time wisely by reading the details carefully.
– Best foot forward. While content is #1, there is something to be said for presentation. Make sure that your documents are well organized and presented neatly. If you need to handwrite documents, be sure to spend the extra few minutes to make it clear and legible.
– Application. Not all fields on an application will apply to you. Don’t leave any ambiguity as to whether you forgot to fill it in. Make sure that you fill out every field, if it doesn’t apply to you just indicate “N/A” (or, not applicable).
– Create a timeline. Applying for international scholarships can require many steps, including essays, applications, references, transcripts, and much more! Don’t leave it to the last minute. Create a calendar that divides up the tasks to make sure there is enough time to get everything done.
– Make copies. Before submitting the information, make sure you keep copies on hand. It’s always a good idea to be able to refer back to it for other scholarships or to resubmit it in case it gets lost in transit. No need to do the same work twice if you’ve already done a good job the first time. Make it count, and make the most of your time!
– Last glance. Finally, before you submit your work to the organization make sure you go over all the requirements and dates. If you have additional time, have another trusted person take a look at it as well to make sure that you meet all of the requirements.
Good luck applying for international scholarships! Let us know if you have any additional scholarships tips that you’ve found.
hello, i am a Ugandan female perusing a degree in industrial and organizational psychology currently in Maker ere University. i am looking for a sponsor to help me continue with my masters studies in business psychology in US
Warm greetings,i am a 21 years of age young lady from Namibia.Graduated from high school in the year 2012,where i was a science student.Due to financial difficulties thus both my parents are pensioners I am forced to stay home for 2years now.Having a passion of becoming a doctor will not make me accept the idea of staying home,I believe I am not a lazy individual,that is why I have been searching for help and still is inorder to further my studies in the US,not only because it is a foriegn country,but because it has the best lecturers,and i want to settle for the best to be the best in saving lives.It would be an honour to recieve help to change a life,to change my life.Thank you very much.
Dear sir/madam, att: Executive director,
Am KRN/M 2nd student nursing/midwifery at PUMWANI School of Nursing & Midwifery in dire need of a bursary or scholarship to enable me complete my studies.
Silver & Gold belongs to him LORD, this is the most burden am facing.
I love midwifery and like saving lives of infants & mothers which is alarming by working as volunteer before & after completing my course.
I look forward hoping that you will accord me the above support.
Herine Okinda
P.O.Box 43516-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Mob; +254711187902
Hi Herine,
Thanks for visiting. If you would like to obtain a scholarship you must first find one in our database then apply directly through the institution hosting the award. Good luck!
Iam kenyan i living in saudiarabia am looking for any sponsor who can pay fee for me for my further study in uk
Hi Isihaka,
We are unable to find a sponsor for you but scholarships are a great way to help you fund your education. You can search for scholarships here.
I am a 25 years old gentleman from Kenya.currently perusing a Diploma in kabete Technical training institute,am in second year student but due to lack of money it seems that am not going to study again due to lack of finance.Am working very hard in college. sometimes I miss some classes so that I can go to work so that I can pay my fees.if I can find a sponsor or sponsorship is my great achievement I could ever a good athletic.I will be very happy If considered
Hi Nicholas,
Thanks for visiting. Although we can’t find a sponsor for you, you are able to search for scholarships and loans on our site in which you can apply for.
Good luck!