The cost of studying abroad is increasing day by day. Studying in developed countries like the USA, UK or other European countries can be particularly expensive. However, there are several options for financing international education that you can take advantage of. If you are able to qualify for those options, you will be able to…
Studying in an international institution is a dream that millions of students strive for, but it’s not always easy to access the resources needed to make this dream a reality. The rising cost of education and other related college fees is an important factor to consider, which can discourage potential students from pursuing the opportunity…
On Tuesday, March 15, 2022, our lending partner, MPOWER Financing, will be hosting a special live session about a limited-time 2.00% interest rate reduction. This will reward international students applying for future semesters with a better rate (because it pays to be an early planner!). The live session is to help students understand the finer points…
Yes, it can be stressful when you’re planning to study abroad. There are many perfectly understandable reasons to feel stressed or anxious. Tuition fees are high, you’ve got food costs, study materials, transportation, health insurance, and lots of other expenses. Even the currency exchange rate can be a concern. When you don’t have enough financial…
Millions of students around the world dream of studying an undergraduate degree in the U.S. There are a lot of famous universities and colleges to choose from. Improving their future prospects, getting a high quality higher education, and access to better opportunities are just some of the reasons why so many students want to study…
Question #2 “What’s your favorite page on International Student Loan? Share it with us!” Simply answer the second question on Facebook, Twitter, or our blog, and you’ll be entered to win $100 gift card! Check out International Student Loan to see what peaks your interest. Is it the videos? Maybe the infographic? Or maybe it’s…
Our partner, InternationalStudent.com, is hosting a Google Hangout tomorrow at 11am EST on how to find a school you can afford. We all know that going to a US college or university is expensive. But did you know that you have many options to choose from, public versus private as well as community college versus…
Going off to college on your own isn’t easy – let alone off to college in a whole different country. It’s an exciting and scary time, a chance to be independent and do what you want, when you want. But then it is also a chance to deal with all of the responsibilities as well…
No matter which country you are in for New Year’s, chances are there are a number of event going on to celebrate. In the US, for example, bringing in the new year can cost a lot. According to the Mint.com’s New Year’s Analysis, 70% of Americans will celebrate in some way – and 13% of…
Exchange rates can mean the difference of losing or making a few dollars with each transaction. When it comes to credit cards, cash, debit cards, wire transfers, and ATM fees, you should expect to pay more for the service of converting one currency to another. Be sure to understand how each of these methods work…