Announcing International Student Community

February 18th, 2022 by IEFA
Announcing International Student Community

We are excited to launch the International Student Community! It’s the place where ambitious students hang out, ask questions and empower each other to pursue the best international education. 

Click here to grab your invite to join the community. 

5 ways this community will help you pursue your ambitions:

  1. Expand your network

We know how your professional network can be your competitive advantage in your career. That’s why we have a dedicated channel for members to introduce themselves and share their LinkedIn profiles with the community. This allows you to form real life connections with like-minded people.

  1. Resources and tips

You will also find channels in the community where our team and other community members regularly share useful resources and tips to help you on this journey. These are resources on

  • financing your international education
  • examinations
  • selecting and applying for universities
  • visa and immigration process
  • travel and logistics 
  • specific career paths
  • and more…
  1. Get help

The best part of being in this community is having a safe space to ask any questions related to international education. We have dedicated spaces for different types of questions where students are already getting a tonne of value. 

  1. Celebrate with others

Another great part of being in this community is having a place to share your wins, small or big. Did you make progress towards your admission in your dream university? Share it to celebrate with the whole community!

  1. Help others

When you move along the path of success, this community will present opportunities for you to help others behind you. Plus, as a member you also get the ability to invite your friends to the community.

Excited? We are too!

Click here to grab your invite to join the community. 

Let’s empower each other to pursue the best international education and a great career!


  1. Isiyaku lawan says:


  2. Isiyaku lawan says:


  3. Serita Wema says:

    I want to learn more about. I have already made application and I have half scholarship in two universities.
    I would wish to learn how I can fill the gap on the balance.

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