5 Ways To Land A Job On Campus

November 27th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel
5 Ways To Land A Job On Campus

As an international in the US, employment opportunities are not easy to come by as many of you may have already seen if you are a current student. Finding a job is not only hard in general, but your visa status may restrict where you work, what type of work you can do, and how long you can work for.

All hope is not lost, though! Many schools across the US will allow you to work right on campus up to 20 hours a week if you hold a F-1 visa. It’s important to discuss your employment options with your international student advisor before securing any type of position.

To help you on your way, we have given you 5 ways to land a job on campus:

  1. Get chummy with offices on campus – Depending on your school size, there may not be a central hiring office for student jobs. The best way to find out if opportunities exist is to talk to each office and see if they are hiring. Dress professionally, bring a resume, and have a smile!
  2. Say hi to the career center – You will want to talk to your career center on campus and provide you with information about your school’s on campus positions. Since you’re there, they may even be able to look over your resume and cover letter, and give you a mock interview!
  3. Talk to your international student advisor – International student advisors can be a great resource to help navigate working in the US. Talk to them and find out what options are available for you to work on campus.
  4. Put extra effort into your classes – There are many on campus jobs where you can act as a teaching assistant (TA) or a research assistant for your professor. While in your classes, make sure you go the extra mile and make an extra effort to build a rapport.
  5. Browse your school’s job posts – Many schools have a job portal that lists all of the available jobs on campus. Be sure to check these out and submit an application. This can be a great way to get the dialogue going. Job openings can also be listed on flyers posted around campus so keep your eyes peeled!

For official guidance on working in the US as a J or F visa holder, check out InternationalStudent.com’s Working in the USA or ICE for more information.


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