Nestle Scholarship for Women

August 22nd, 2013 by Jonathan Frankel
Nestle Scholarship for Women

Nestle Scholarship for Women
Deadline: September 30

In 1996 a group of women in pursuit of their MBA completed a project called “Changing the Shape of Business,” this project sparked the efforts to create a scholarship that would assist women who want to pursue their MBA but do not have the funds. The scholarship was then created by IMD with the support and financial funding from Nestle to grant one individual CHF 25,000.

The Nestle Scholarship is open annually to women around the world who are pursuing their MBA at IMD. Each candidates who applies will be evaluated by the IMD MBA Scholarship Committee and one award will be granted to an eligible individual who has been accepted into the IMD MBA program, has a financial need for assistance and submits a 750-word essay based upon the following: “Does Diversity in Management Impact the Bottom Line? If so, how?”

If you would like more information on the Nestle Scholarship for Women and how to apply before September 30th, you can find more here.

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  1. cynthia says:

    i would like to know if nestle does not offer financial aid to women doing law

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