Funding college can be expensive, especially if you have to pay for your education overseas. Most students rely on their own personal savings and get help from family members, however this many not necessarily be enough to cover all of your costs. With most degree programs taking four years, and sometimes even longer, getting an…
Award: Mr. & Mrs. Hung Mau Wu Memorial Fund Grant Deadline: September 1 The Mr. and Mrs. Hung Mau Wu Memorial Fund was established to financially assist individuals of Chinese origin with the completion of their studies. This award was created in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Wu- between the 1960’s and 1980’s the couple…
If you are planning to apply for student loans come July or August, it’s important to know key terms so that you can evaluate lenders and choose the one that works best for you. The international student loans that are available have different repayment options. Repayment is defined as the act of paying back the…
University of Wisconsin-Stout International Student Scholarship Deadline: July 1 Fifteen international students who are admitted to the University of Wisconsin-Stout have the opportunity to receive a $5,000 scholarship to use toward tuition fees. Degree-seeking international students can be from any country around the world, pursuing any area of study offered at the University of Wisconsin-Stout….
JDRF Career Development Award Deadline: September 15 The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) is host to a number of scholarships, including the career development award. This award is designed to assist those who are newly pursuing their career path with funding to perform diabetes- related research. This gives qualified scientists the chance to not only…
When it comes to paying for tuition, international students must plan ahead and make sure that they do their research to keep their expenses low. Many banks – whether it’s in your home country or in your host country – will charge a wire transfer fee, which can add up especially if your money goes…
Takis Chrysanthou Honored Scholar Award Deadline: July 15 In previous years, the Takis Chrysanthou Honored Scholar program has been granted to one student each semester that is studying in Cyprus. However, this semester the award will be granted to 100 students! This award is granted to qualifying students this Spring in the amount of $1,500…
National Speakers Association Scholarship Deadline: June 1 The National Speakers Association (NSA) Foundation has an annual scholarship program that was established in 1989 to help support students that would like to pursue a career in professional speaking. Four winners will be selected to receive the $5,000 National Speakers Association Scholarship to be used toward achieving…
Billionaire and Blackstone Group founder Stephen Schwarzman has announced the creation of the Schwarzman Scholars program at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. It’s mission? Schwarzman Scholar Program sends students to China. The scholarships, to be funded by Schwarzman’s own $100 million dollar donation as well as $200 million more from other international donors, will function similarly…