UAS7 Announces 45 Scholarships for Study in Germany

If you are interested in studying and interning in Germany, you need to look at this program. UAS7, a consortium of 7 leading German Universities of Applied Sciences, announced this week that their Study & Internship in German program (SIP), launched last year, will continue and expand this year. UAS7 is cooperating with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and is granting 45 scholarships for the academic year 2008/09.
The program includes one semester of study at one of the 7 participating German universities, followed by a one semester internship in a company or research institute in Germany. Winners will receive a scholarship for the academic semester, a monthly stipend for the duration of the internship, and travel assistance, making it a very generous overall award.
To be considered for the program, students have to be currently enrolled in an undergraduate program at an accredited US or Canadian college or university (although US or Canadian citizenship is not required). Sophomores and Juniors in the fields of engineering, science, life sciences, business,management, economics, architecture, art, design, journalism, or social work are invited to apply. German language proficiency is an asset, but not mandatory.
All applications for the academic year 2008/09 must be postmarked no later than February 15, 2008. The application requirements are quite thorough and explicit, so make sure you start early and do the best job you can.
For complete details about the program, please visit the SIP website.
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Oh the problem that i had seen that the are giving funds to the student whom already didnt need
but student like us from south america and Afrika dosn't need any kind of fund we are already rich