Lindbergh Grant

April 11th, 2013 by Jonathan Frankel

Lindbergh Grant
Deadline: June 9

In 1977 the Lindbergh Foundation was established to further the vision that Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh had in regards to finding a balance between advancing technology and our natural environment. Each year the Lindbergh Foundation awards the Lindbergh grant to ten individuals who have made a significant effort to help with fulfilling this vision of balance.

This grant can be used to help fund research expenses associated with furthering technology while keeping a balance within nature. Individuals from around the world are eligible to be entered into the running for this grant, there is not a restriction based upon institution of study or research.

Individuals must be nominated for the Lindbergh grant, submissions are then reviewed by an award committee who will pass along the eligible candidates to the Foundation board for the final selection. Nominees who are passed along but do not receive the award are eligible to receive the grant in future years without having to be re-nominated.

The following must be submitted in English to nominate a qualifying individual:

  • A nomination form
  • An executive summary of the nominee’s accomplishments
  • A letter of support from another individual to support the nomination

You can find more information on how to nominate a qualifying individual for the Lindbergh grant here.

*Ecology illustration lamp bulb photo courtesy of Shutterstock


  1. AZIZ ISSAH says:

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