Two Chances to Win the WaterGadget Scholarship

WaterGadget Scholarship
Deadline: July 30 and November 30
If you’re studying in the US, UK or Canada then make sure you enter the WaterGadget Scholarship. This scholarship gives students the chance to win $1250 twice throughout the year! Students from around the globe can enter to win, however, they must be 18 years old and enrolled in an educational institution. This scholarship is also available to eligible students pursuing any degree field. Proof of eligibility will be required when entering to win. You can choose to submit your entry into the July 30th round or the November 30th round.
To enter to win this scholarship eligible students will need to submit a participation form along with an original essay between 800 and 1000 words. The essay should address what you think is the “Best Water Gadget” (gadget refers to water heaters, softeners or filters). All submitted essays should be original content for this contest and will be judged on its uniqueness. The winner of this scholarship will be announced on August 10th (fall semester) or December 10th (Spring semester).
WaterGadget’s goal is to provide service to those in search of water solutions products for their house-holds. WaterGadget provides information on various water softeners, filters, heaters and distillers along with reviews on the basis of their own research and tests performed.
Get more details on the WaterGadget Scholarship and how to apply.
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