The Human Interaction Project’s Giving Back Program

February 12th, 2015 by IEFA
The Human Interaction Project’s Giving Back Program

The Human Interaction Project’s Giving Back Program
Deadline: March 31st

If you’re interested in a fellowship that allows you to travel while providing volunteer services then The Human Interaction Project’s Giving Back Program is a great opportunity for you.

Accepted students will have their airfare, housing, UBELONG program fees, medical insurance and some incidentals covered when they take part in this 10-14 day fellowship. Each student will be partnered with the international volunteering organization, UBELONG, to carry out a volunteer trip while immersed in a new culture. Before their journey students will receive training in leadership and philanthropy.

To be eligible students must be 18-25 years old and complete an online application. Applicants must be studying in the United States but can be from any country and pursuing any degree. Two letters of recommendation, a brief essay and a recent photo are also required.

The selection committee for The Human Interaction Project’s Giving Back Program will review all applications, and select the final applicants to participate in a Skype interview. Key attributes that the selection committee will be evaluating applicants on include:

  • Concern with your fellow man
  • A hunger for self-growth
  • Maturity
  • Curiosity
  • Openness to foreign cultures
  • Willingness to step outside your comfort zone
  • An independent streak

Five individuals will be accepted and upon return expected to share their journey through blogging, videos and speeches.

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  1. Henah Koilor Palay says:

    I am interested, and wish to apply for a scholarship

    • Bryanna Davis says:

      Hi Henah,

      If interested in this scholarship please feel free to follow the link above for more information and to apply next year. Good luck.

  2. Nayan says:

    I’m interested to apply for a scholarship. How to feel free form and How to get more information?

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