Student Loan Terms Confusing? Join Us Live This Thursday!

International student loan terms are confusing. Repayment, deferral, interest rate, cosigner, credit score, and the list goes on and on. It’s almost that time to apply for international student loans, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. As you make these important financial decisions, you will need to know what these terms are, and how they apply to you. After all, these terms can impact how much you’ll pay back – and when.
Join us this Thursday, June 26th at 10:00 am EST for our next live Hangout where you can learn about student loan terms and what they can mean for you. So grab your notebook and a cup of coffee, and let’s talk international student loan.
Who: You!
What: Uncoding student loan terms
Where: Google+ Hangout – RSVP now
When: Thursday, June 26th at 10:00 am EST
Jennifer Frankel, Director of Financial Services at International Student Loan, will provide you with an overview, and then will answer all of your questions to make sure you are prepared! Be sure to set a calendar reminder, and let us know if you’ll be joining our Hangout. Have your questions ready and join the conversation in the meantime on Twitter at #FinancialAidTalk.
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