Give Advice to the Class of 2014 to Win $250

Give Advice to the Class of 2014 to Win $250
Deadline: May 31
This month International Student is giving away $250 to the student with the best advice! Throughout the month students can send in their best piece of advice or tip to graduating international students. At the end of the month the International Student judges will sift through each of the tips and tricks- and the student that sends in the best advice will win!
Your tip should be original (meaning you created it) and helpful. Adding creativity to your tip will also help increase your shot at receiving the $250! The contest is open to current international students or those who are planning to study abroad in the near future. It is not restricted based upon your home country, the school you attend or the degree you are pursuing.
After you have brainstormed for your best tip for graduating international students, send it to International Student through their Facebook, Twitter or Google+ page. Make sure to send it in during the month of May to qualify to be entered to win the prize.
You can find more on the Give Advice to the Class of 2014 to Win $250 contest here.
it is never to late! some times things happen that you have not plan too, it doesn’t mean that your life is over it just means you have to work twice as hard. giving up is never an option! a new place may seem scary and you may seem out of place but as you get to learn more and feel your way around it will feel like your second home. dont be afraid to ask always search for knowledge you can learn lots that way…always aim to be exceptional in your work and nothing less. congratulations on making it this far ! now let see of far your willing to go , the steps your willing to take. I know you can do it. always keep your best foot forward, positive attitude and open mind on learning and trying new things
My congratulations to the 2014 Graduates! It is through your zealous hardwork, dedication and dtermination that have brought your this far. It is also these kind of virtues that will make you land a gainful job and be on top in the world of work. Always make sure that whatever you do will always be for the betterment of humanity as well as the realization of God’s ultimate plan here on earth. Only the best for all of you!
Goodmorning/goodafternoon, I would like to have the real name used on facebook/Google+ because there are so many international students’ associations especially on facebook so I don’t send to the wrong one. Thank you.
this is a good place to advise future professionals
students should first set their goals. The goals will help keep them work within the provided objectives. this will see them achieve their desired goals easily
Congrats for making it thus far. You have ccompleted your first step in making a life for yourself. Continue to strive for the best. Always have a plan b just in case a dont go as planned. Do every thing right the first time that way you wont have tottake two steps back. Try to affiliate your self with person’s who you know are soaring when it comes to education. Remember bird of a feather flock together. Try be more of a lead and not a follower. I wish you all the best as you continue to grow and expand in knowledge
My best tip would be : if you have a job interview try to be your self don’t stress and especially be confidant of what you know and what you can do, that’s how you will get the attention of the one who is making the interview, which will get you closer to the job.
Graduating is not the end, it’s a beginning; getting a degree doesn’t mean you know everything, there’s always people know more than you. Stay young in mind and keep learning until the day you take your last breathe, then you’ll graduate from the hardest class you’ve taken: “Life”.
Advice for international students: You come from a world different to the one you studied in, therefore, USE IT TO YOU ADVANTAGE!! You understand and know thing that may not come naturally to others.
Thank you for each of your tips! Please keep in mind that you need to visit the International Student Facebook, Google+ or Twitter page to submit your advice. Good luck!