Springtime Selfie Contest

Springtime Selfie Contest
Deadline: April 25th
Since you’re going to take a few selfies this month anyways- you might as well win $25 from one! InternationalStudent.com is hosting a Springtime Selfie Content that international students around the world who are 18 years or older are able to enter into. It’s your chance to shine as an international student while trying to better yourself or the world around you.
To enter you need to take a great selfie while doing some type of spring cleaning. This can be organizing your dorm room, volunteering for campus clean up, or any other spring cleaning activity you plan to participate in. Photos must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on April 25th with a short photo description. Photos can be submitted to International Student through a tweet or Facebook post.
Keep in mind that any photo submitted will become property of InternationalStudent.com, must be appropriate content and only submitted once
For more information on the Springtime Selfie Contest and if you are eligible please visit here for more information.