Graduate Research Program Offers Scholarships for African Students to Study in Germany

The WASCAL Graduate Research Program on Climate Change and Agriculture
Deadline: March 31st, 2014
A number of scholarships are available to African students through the long-term research initiative established by the German Ministry of Education and Research, referred to as WASCAL (the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use). WASCAL consists of an educational network and infrastructure designed to help West African countries take on the various challenges and adaptations required by climate change. Through combining their experience and knowledge with that of several German universities, the ten African WASCAL countries will be able to strengthen their area’s infrastructures and capacities to adapt to the challenges associated with climate change.
- Candidates must be no older than 40 years
Candidates must be from one of the ten WASCAL countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo)
Candidates must possess a Master’s Degree or its equivalent in Soil Science, Crop Science, Agroforestry, Forestry, Animal Science, Integrated Pest Management, or other revelant disciplines, with at least an average of 60% (Second Upper Class, Assez Bien)
While not a requirement, familiarity with modeling or geographic information systems is a benefit.
- A stipend of 500.00 euro/month (350.00 during the pre-course language preparations) to cover accommodation and expenses during the study period
The student will be allowed to travel to Germany during the course of the PhD fellowship period in order to work with scientists at German universities or research centers
All airfare will be paid for by the project, as well as a monthly stipend of around 1000.00 euro per month will be provided for each month spent in Germany
How to Apply:
Students must apply directly to the 3 ½ year doctoral training program at the Graduate Research Program on Climate Change and Agriculture (GRP CC&Agric) offered through the University of Bamako, Mali in conjunction with the IPR/IFRA of Katibougou by March 31st 2014.
Want to learn about other upcoming scholarship awards? Check out our other blogs telling you which scholarships to look out for!