Essay Contest Winners

September 26th, 2013 by Jonathan Frankel Essay Contest Winners

We previously announced the Essay Contest that was open for international students around the world to enter into to share their story and have a chance at one of the top three prizes: $200, $75 or $25.

The judges at spent the month of September narrowing down each international student essay to find the essay contest winners. On September 19th the top six finalists were announced to be the following individuals:

  • Sofia Camacho
  • Atajan Abdyyev
  • Simone Lim
  • Eshul Rayhan
  • Milan Djurasovic
  • Maan AlBani

Today announced the top three essay contest winners and here they are:

1st Place ($200)- Milan Djurasovic
2nd Place ($75)- Sofia Camacho
3rd Place ($25)- Eshul Rayhan

Read each of the finalist and top winning essays for an inside look at what it’s like to be an international student.

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