National Speakers Association Scholarship

May 2nd, 2013 by Jonathan Frankel
National Speakers Association Scholarship

National Speakers Association Scholarship
Deadline: June 1

The National Speakers Association (NSA) Foundation has an annual scholarship program that was established in 1989 to help support students that would like to pursue a career in professional speaking.

Four winners will be selected to receive the $5,000 National Speakers Association Scholarship to be used toward achieving their career goal. The winner will be chosen by a pre-determined committee that will judge students based upon their academic excellence, financial need and desire to become a professional speaker. Since the award originated, over $350,000 has been awarded to eligible students and professors.

To apply for this scholarship, eligible students must submit the scholarship application, a letter of recommendation, an official transcript and an essay based upon their career objectives and desire to become a professional speaker. Students are also able to submit a video, approximately 10 minutes in length, that highlights their speaking ability. This video should be of an actual speech given in front of an audience and be able to give the judges an insight into what type of speaker the student is.

You can find more information on how to apply for the National Speakers Association Scholarship and the eligibility requirements here.

Media interview photo by Shutterstock


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