University Language Services Scholarship

March 21st, 2013 by Jonathan Frankel
University Language Services Scholarship

University Language Services Scholarship
Deadline: April 3

The time has come to enter the fifth round of the University Language Services scholarship. This means you have the chance to win $500 for a great photo. If you are a college student who is studying abroad currently, has in the past or will be in the near future- you can submit a photo that shares what made you decide to study abroad. It can be anything that expresses this- food, architecture, a landmark, etc.

Your submitted photo for the university language services scholarship will need to be accompanied with a 200 word or less description of why the subject in your photo helped you decide to study abroad. Entries need to be submitted by April 3. Once submitted, the top eight submissions will be posted for site visitors to vote on. The three photos with the top votes will continue to the finalist round where a panel of judges will determine the grand prize winner of $500.

If you would like to submit your photo, you can find out more on the university language services scholarship here.

Tourist in Paris photo courtesy of Shutterstock

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