Elite Awards

Elite Awards
Deadline: April 1; October 1
Troy University offers international students with exceptionally high academic achievement the chance to receive one of two elite awards. Four first year undergraduate students from around the world are granted one of these awards each semester. Additionally, these awards are able to be renewed each year that the student continues to attend Troy University and maintain their award eligibility. Awardees must have the intent to obtain at least a four year degree from Troy University.
Elite Awards Available:
The Millennium Scholar Award- this award requires that students have an ACT score of 31 or SAT score of 1380 along with a high school GPA of 3.7 (on a 4.0 scale). It will fully cover tuition, room and board for the first year.
The Chancellor Award- this award will grant the awardee full tuition and requires that the student have an ACT score of 27 or SAT score of 1220 along with a high school GPA of 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale).
If you are an international student who plans on attending Troy University as a freshman undergraduate student, you can find more information on both of these elite awards here.
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please i need financial aid
Hi Uzor,
That is great you are exploring your financial aid options. You can view more scholarships here and more on international student loans here.