Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant
Deadline: April 1
Two Phi Kappa Phi study abroad grants have been created through the Phi Kappa Phi society to assist students that are interested in studying abroad with having the opportunity to do so. To be eligible to apply for this award, students must be enrolled at an institution with an active Phi Kappa Phi chapter, have a 3.5 or higher GPA (on a 4.0 scale), have earned between 56 and 90 semester hours and have already received acceptance into a study abroad program.
There are 50 Phi Kappa Phi study abroad grants in the amount of $1000 available. Two of these awards are endowed by donors:
Larry Sommers Study Abroad Grant: Former society president, Larry, was unable to study abroad during his time at the University of Wisconsin. Larry donates this grant to give other individuals the opportunity to pursue their dream of studying abroad.
McKenzie Study Abroad Grant: Former society president, Wendell H. McKenzie, Ph.D and his wife Georgie McKenzie provide one of the Phi Kappa Phi study abroad grants to be used by a student from North Carolina State University.
If you would like to receive a grant to study abroad and meet the eligibility criteria, you can find more information on the Phi Kappa Phi study abroad grant here.
Excited Woman Under a Money Rain photo courtesy of Shutterstock