Sir Patrick Stewart Scholarship

November 1st, 2012 by Jonathan Frankel
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Sir Patrick Stewart Scholarship
Deadline: July 31

Are you a United States or Canadian citizen looking for a school to study at in the United Kingdom that offers tuition assistance? If so, the University of Huddersfield is now offering their students from the US and Canada the Sir Patrick Stewart Scholarship in the amount of 4,000GBP to be put towards school fees. Students must be self-funded only and can’t have any other scholarships through the University of Huddersfield.

There is not an additional application entry required for the Sir Patrick Stewart Scholarship, international students at the University of Huddersfield from the US and Canada are automatically entered when admitted into the institution. This award is open during each semester throughout the year and to those from all degree fields.

Find out more about the Sir Patrick Stewart Scholarship today.

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  1. Clarence Isaboke says:

    how does a kenyan apply for the scholarship?

    • Bryanna Lindblom says:

      Hi Clarence,

      Thank you for your interest in this award. Unfortunately, this scholarship is only available to students from Canada or the United States. However, there are hundreds of awards in the international scholarship database, allowing students from around the world to apply. Begin your search for a scholarship here.

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