Wangari Maathai Scholarship

Wangari Maathai Scholarship
Deadline: May 15
Students already attending the Bard Center for Environmental Policy masters program or those that will be accepted by March 15 are eligible to apply for the Wangari Maathai Scholarship. This scholarship will provide one international student with $20,000 for their tuition.
International students who are interested in the Wangari Maathai Scholarship must submit a 500 word statement based on the following: “Please define and explain leadership in the context of the sustainability challenges we face in the coming decades.”
Candidates will be judged based on their statement letter and application materials, finalists will be evaluated based on an interview.
International students applying for this scholarship must have also submitted their financial aid application, complete with a certificate of finance.
You can find more information on eligibility and where to submit your application for the Wangari Maathai Scholarship here.
Are you looking for medical scholarships?
Good job pls more scholarship
Good day Doc.
I am Wilkinson B. Gacayan, Filipino, a Medicine Student here at West Visayas State University, Iloilo City, Philippines and currently on my first year as a Medical Student.
I would just like to inquire if the scholarship program your good office is offering also caters Filipino nationals?
You see Doc, my aunt is the only one supporting my education since Grade School upto now. My parents are not capable of sending me to universities like my present school. My father is an owner of a small poultry (about 100 quails) which is our source of basic needs and my mother is a housewife who helps my father in his small business. If it weren’t because of my scholarship during my undergraduate course (Nursing), I would have not finished my baccalaureate degree and will not be a medical student right now.
But a big problem is facing me right bow. My aunt is near to her retirement and I am very much worried that I will not be able to pursue my medical education. That’s why I am looking for scholarships as early as now so that my dreams will not be put to nothing.
I am humbly asking for your assistance regarding my queries. I hope you also award scholarships to students like me who are not only deserving but also persevering.
Thanks you very much. Hoping for your soon response.
Hi Wilkinson,
Thank you for your comment and interest. You are able to find out more information on this scholarship and how to apply for it here. Good luck!
i search scholarship in my specially
i concur with you all, the issue of scholarship now adays seems like a precious metal for some one to win, very competitive. in fact organizations which have invested in supporting people for their studies should consider mostly economic condition of aplicants by reflecting where the applicant applying from. other countries are poor and there is no scholarship opportunities,these should be empowered to create equality and reduce gap between developing and developed countries. for example my self i have applied several times different scholrships recognized internationally but i achieve nothing by answering that competition was strong. you know what we differ even in curriculum development from one region to another so when you compete people like me from East African universities and the one took hi/her bachelor degree cambridge university real there is imbalance of opportunities. this year i have given a scholarship amounting 3000 pound in UK, but i dont know where i should get remaining amount to support my studies. please any one with connection and advice please contact me for help because both we are looking for success academically and one time we gonna meet in analyising issues. Thanks.
Hi Warioba,
I’m glad you were able to find a scholarship for your studies. If you are looking for another scholarship our new quick search allows you to find scholarships specific to where you are from, what you are studying and where you are studying so this should assist you as well. You might also be interested in our loan program for your remaining financial aid needs. You can find more information here.
Hello. Can i request for any contact email upon which i can reach for the admin of the scholarship. I have many queries. Thank you.
Hi Anne,
Thank you for your interest in this scholarship. After you log in you will have access to the contact information and more on how to apply for this scholarship here. Good luck!
Hello Sir/Maam. Thanks for informing me about this scholarship. However, I was not able to apply because to too little time to prepare for my papers. Other documents require me to wait for a couple of days to claim. Nevertheless, I would like to thank you for the time and effort. I really appreciate it.
Can I ask for the last time? May I request to cancel out my comments here (the previous and also this one). This is for security purposes. Thank you so much and more power.