Aurora Challenge Grant

April 19th, 2012 by Jonathan Frankel
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Aurora Challenge Grant
Deadline: April 30

Are you a US citizen residing in California that has always wanted to visit Japan? The Aurora Challenge Grant through the Aurora Foundation is making this dream of visiting Japan a reality for one individual. The grant challenge is open to individuals regardless of their age or academic achievement, but who have a project goal they would like to fulfill.

Applicants are judged based upon the following criteria:

  • Commitment to his/her dream project that relates to Japanese culture
  • Need for financial support
  • Experience and background related to the project
  • Potential to enhance global goodwill with his/her project

The winner of this grant will win a roundtrip air ticket to Japan along with $3,000. The awardee must be able to commit to submitting a post-trip report about their experience. The submission date for this grant has been extended to April 30, those interested can find out more information on the application process here.


  1. samba traore says:

    can a non us citizen be concerned

  2. Waheeb says:

    Can arab citizen participate in this issue ?

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