World Press Institute Scholarship – For Experienced Working Non-US Journalists

January 5th, 2011 by IEFA
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The World Press Institute in St. Paul Minnesota offers 10 significant awards for non-US journalists. The fellowship provides immersion into the governance, politics, business, media, journalistic ethics and culture of the United States for experienced international journalists, through a demanding schedule of study, travel and interviews throughout the country.

To be eligible to apply you must meet the following criteria:

• You must have at least five (5) years full-time employment in print, broadcast, or online journalism.

• You must be currently employed as a non U.S. journalist working outside of the United States.

• You must be fluent in both written and spoken English.

• You must exhibit potential for leadership

If you meet the criteria above and would like to find out more, visit the World Press Institute profile page on International Scholarships:

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