Chat live with 250+ US Colleges and Universities and register to win $2,500 scholarship

December 8th, 2010 by IEFA
Chat live with 250+ US Colleges and Universities and register to win $2,500 scholarship
CollegeWeekLive International Day
December 14th, 7 AM – 7 PM Eastern US Time
Chat Live with 250+ Schools FREE! &
Have a Chance to Win a $2,5000 Scholarship!

Sign Up Today!

At CollegeWeekLive, you can…

  • Chat live with admissions reps from hundreds of universities- show your interest!
  • Watch live video presentations about what campus life is like via student webcasts from your favorite schools.
  • Be eligible to win a $2,500 scholarship just for logging in!


  1. Cretus says:

    I want to chat with a representative for some information i want to get

    • Bryanna Lindblom says:

      Hi Cretus,

      Thank you for your interest. I have sent you an email with further information regarding financial aid. Please feel free to respond with any questions you might have.

  2. Ibaduddin says:

    I want to chat regarding getting information

  3. isaac osinde says:

    I want some information i can get on chat with a representative, thank you

    • Bryanna Lindblom says:

      Hi Isaac,

      Unfortunately this fair has already come to an end. However, luckily there will be more in the future! Check back periodically to find out when the next fair will be!

      Best of luck finding the information that you need.

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