International Student Loan Launches New Website

International Student Loan has re-launched its website, with a new loan matching system, improved navigation and an updated design. International students will now be matched to an appropriate loan product much more quickly, simplifying product selection and application.
Instead of requiring a student to navigate through the site to the appropriate loan product, now students can use the simple form to quickly find out if they are eligible to apply for a loan, and if so, what loan is appropriate. The new system will also allow International Student Loan to work more easily with multiple lenders, making sure that they can keep up with the rapidly changing market and deliver the best loan products to students.
The new site also has a cool new look – wider, with more images and a more current look. The content has been updated and added to, so students can get the information they need quickly.
For international students studying in the USA, and for US students studying overseas, the financing options are more limited than for domestic study. Through International Student Loan, students can apply for up to the total cost of education, minus any other aid received. A US co-signer is required for all international students and most US students.
Check out the new site:
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