3rd Annual InternationalStudent.com $3000 Travel Video Contest

Its that time of year again — everyone’s back in school, and InternationalStudent.com has launched its 3rd Annual Travel Video Contest! Time to start thinking about what you would do and where you would go with a fat wad of cash. The entry deadline is October 31 and the grand prize has been increased this year to $3,000. The winners will be announced in early November, and the finalists will be available for all to see on InternationalStudent.com.
Never mind the money – past winners now have worldwide fame among international students from their videos and blogs! In addition to the cash prize, the winner gets to blog on InternationalStudent.com for the duration of their trip or study abroad – providing a huge platform and millions of visitors to impress.
To enter, you must submit a video no longer than 5 minutes that describes the trip you would take if you win, and why you should win. The best entry will win the $3,000 grand prize. Humor is good, great footage helps, artistry and story-telling matter – you can tell from the past winners, which you can see on InternationalStudent.com. So be funny, or include some great footage and music, or tell a great story — something to get your entry noticed and stand out from the crowd.
Film students, technical and artistic types — you may have a leg up on the competition. But the contest is open to anyone 18 or older and studying outside their home country, or planning a trip to study abroad. And past winners include a guy going for his MBA – not exactly what you think of as an artistic pursuit – so anyone can win!
For more information and to enter, go to: