Scholarships for students from the Middle East, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia

Today there are 2 scholarships that I’d like to draw attention to, both for students from particular countries, and a quick update on the Saudi scholarships.
First, the Karim Rida Said Foundation provides full and partial scholarships for Master’s degree study in the UK to Iraqi, Jordanian, Lebanese, Palestinian and Syrian students. You must have a first degree, be proficient in English, agree to return home, have two years work experience, and meet some other requirements. Application deadlines vary throughout the early part of the year based on the school in England that you will attend. For more information or for an application, go to:
You can also find this scholarship listed on
The Get Foundation provides one or two $5,000 scholarships per year to deserving students from Hong Kong, based on financial need, to pursue undergraduate education at schools in the US. Application deadline is April 15 of each year. For more information or for the application go to:
The Saudi scholarship program, under which the Saudi royal family will pay full scholarships for up to 15,000 Saudi students in the US each year, is in full swing. Of the 10,229 Saudi students registered at schools in the US for this fall, the Saudi embassy reports that over 90% of them are receiving scholarships. President Bush and Saudi King Abdullah launched this program last year, and by next year it is expected that the full 15,000 scholarships will be awarded. Click here to read a CNN story with more information on the impact of these scholarships: CNN story on Saudi scholarships